OHIO LAW states that it is a crime to knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm; to recklessly cause serious physical harm; or (by threat of force) cause fear of imminent physical harm to a household or family member. (ORC 2919.25)

Any of the following who reside or have resided with the offender is considered a household or family member: a spouse, a person living as a spouse or a former spouse; a parent or child of the offender or persons listed above; other persons related by affinity or consanguinity to the offender.


You have the right to contact the police, request the offender be arrested and sign a motion for a Temporary Protection Order (TPO). A TPO can require the offender to vacate your residence and have no contact with you while the case is pending. In addition, the police can make a decision to arrest the offender based on statements and other evidence. When you contact the police and an arrest does not take place, the complaint may be referred to the prosecutor’s office for a decision. You can request a meeting with the prosecutor to discuss your concerns. The prosecutor represents the City of Euclid in criminal cases.

Once the offender has been charged and arrested, they will remain in jail until the complaint is filed in Euclid Municipal Court and the Judge has a hearing to make a decision about bond and the TPO. You may request a TPO prior to the offender’s arrest, after a warrant is issued. If you have requested a TPO, you are required to attend court and testify about the offender’s actions and your safety concerns. The prosecutor may require you to attend future hearings, as well. You have the right to attend all hearings, including the initial hearing, and to have a victim advocate present. You cannot decide to drop the charge or TPO; only the prosecutor and judge can make that decision.

Even when criminal domestic violence charges are not issued you have the right to request a Civil Protection Order (CPO) in Domestic Relations Court. The order can require the offender to vacate your residence and not have contact with you for five years. An attorney is not required, but may be helpful in obtaining a CPO. A victim advocate is not an attorney, but can help you explore your options.



Euclid Police (216) 731-1234 or 911

Euclid Prosecutor (216) 289-2760

Euclid Municipal Ct. (216) 289-2888

Child Abuse Hotline (216) 696-KIDS

Elder Abuse Hotline (216) 420-6700


(216) 391-HELP or Journey Center for Safety and Healing

Rape Crisis Center (216) 619-6192

Mental Health Emergency (216) 623-6888

First Call For Help (216) 436-2000

Victims Rights Tool Kit: https://victimsrightstoolkit.com/


Journey Center for Safety and Healing provides resources, counseling, safety planning, advocacy, support and court escort to hearings in Euclid Municipal Court. Contact Nyiana Johnson (216) 229-2420 ext. 202.

Witness Victim Service Center: Information, resources, support, advocacy, and court escort for felony cases in Common Pleas Court (216) 443-7345

Children Who Witness Violence Project: Crisis counseling, resources and support for children (216) 361-8640

Legal Aid Society: Help with divorce and CPO’s for low-income domestic violence survivors (216) 687-1900

Domestic Relations Court Domestic Violence Coordinator: Assistance with CPO forms (216) 698-8529

Ohio Attorney General: Information about victim rights and applications for the Victim of Crime Compensation Program, a program that provides compensation for medical and other expenses directly related to the crime: (800) 582-2877 or www.OhioAttorneyGeneral.gov

For emergency shelter information and referral contact the Journey Center for Safety and Healing (216) 391-4357 or Call For Help (216) 436-2000.