The Patrol Division is the largest division in the police department, consisting of one chief, four captains, five lieutenants, eleven sergeants and approximately 77 patrol officers who provide twenty-four hour police service to the community. Patrol is the most visible of all police activities, and it is at the heart of what we do as police officers.
The Division is tasked to actively patrol the city. On a daily basis the patrol officers’ duties include preventing crime, responding to calls for service, resolving disputes, taking incident and accident reports, collecting crime evidence, conducting traffic enforcement and arresting those suspected of criminal activities.
Patrol officers are normally the first responders to all types of incidents, and they must contend with constantly changing situations, as routine calls can sometimes turn dangerous quickly. They are highly trained and tasked to rapidly assess situations by taking appropriate action. They are entrusted to protect the public and be vigilant to dangers which could affect those they serve.