Add information to a report?

Victim/Witness Statement Form – Victims and witnesses can submit a statement or list of stolen items to be attached to a report. To do this you must have a report number from the officer who has completed the report.

Aquire fingerprint or web check services?

Click here for information, hours, and prices for fingerprinting and web checks.

Attend Coffee with a Cop?

Check the CWAC Page

Report an Officer Interaction?

To file a commendation, inquiry, or allegation for an officer, submit this form.

Contact Personnel at the EPD?

Euclid Police Department Staff Directory

Determine a Child’s Curfew?

(a) No child under the age of 12 years shall be upon any street, road, sidewalk, park or any other public place between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day.
(b) No child 12 to 15 years of age shall be upon any street, road, sidewalk, park or any other public place between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day.
(c) No child 16 or 17 years of age shall be upon any street, road, sidewalk, park or any other public place between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
(d) No parent, guardian or person in loco parentis shall allow a child to be in violation of divisions (a) through (c) of this section.
(e) The provisions of this section shall not apply to a minor accompanied by a parent, guardian or some responsible person 21 years of age or over, or a member of his or her family 18 years or older, or if he or she has a legitimate excuse for being upon public ways or places during the hours aforesaid.

Dispose of my unwanted or expired pills?

The drug drop box is located in the lobby of the Euclid Police Department, 545 E. 222 Street, and is accessible 24 hours a day.

What you CAN turn in :

  • Controlled substance medications
  • Non-controlled substance (Rx) medications
  • Over-the-counter medications
  • Medication samples
  • Vitamins

What you CANNOT turn in:

  • Liquid medication
  • Needles, syringes, or lancets
  • Thermometers and batteries
  • Disposable medical waste items such as IV bags, used bandages, gowns, or bio-hazardous items
  • Aerosol cans
  • Chemicals or disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide
  • Personal care products such as shampoo and soap

File a Station House Report?

Station House Report Form

File a Station House Motor Vehicle Accident Report?

Station House Motor Vehicle Accident Report Form

File an Unruly Charge on my Child?

Contact the Cuyahoga County Early Intervention and Diversion Center in the Metzenbaum Building, 3343 Community College Avenue, Cleveland at 216-443-3419.

Get a Bike License?

Bike License Registration Form

Get a Copy of a Police Report?

Email and include details of what report(s) you are requesting.

Get a Vehicle Out of Impound?

If your car has been towed by Euclid Police you must first obtain a vehicle release form from the Euclid Police Department, 545 East 222nd Street. The vehicle can only be released to the titled owner, unless the titled owner provides a notarized letter naming another person to pick up the release form. Three things are needed to obtain the vehicle release form:

  1. Proof of ownership: title, memo title, current registration or current insurance card with serial number of vehicle
  2. Photo ID: driver’s license, state ID, or the actual citation if the driver’s license has been held
  3. Administration fee: $20 cash

If the proof of ownership document has been left in the vehicle, it can be removed at the impound lot, but no other personal property can be removed until the release form has been obtained. Questions regarding the towing policy can be directed to 216-289-8474

Pay a Parking or Traffic Ticket?

Please visit

Post a Bond?

Bond must be made in cash only and for the exact amount. Questions regarding posting a bond can be directed to the Warrant Unit at 216-289-8460.

Report a Crime Tip?

Submit a Tip Form

Report Drug Activity?

Submit a drug dealing complaint

Report a Parking Violation?

No person shall stand or park a vehicle on any street or highway between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.

For a complete list of parking violations, view Chapter 351 of Euclid Codified Ordinances.
To report night parking or other parking violations, contact Euclid Police at 216-731-1234. If immediate response is not required, use the submit a tip form.

Report an Animal Complaint?

Submit a Tip Form

Request the speed trailer for my street?

To request the speed trailer for your street, contact the Traffic Division at 216-289-8445 or fill out the Speed Trailer Request Form

Schedule an officer for a Meeting, School or Business?

The Euclid Police Department provides personnel for crime prevention and safety presentations. To schedule an officer or specialist to attend a meeting, school or business contact the Community Policing Unit at 216-289-8449.

Start a Neighborhood Watch?

Be proactive, improve community safety, and partner with the Euclid Police Department. Start a neighborhood watch for your street.

Stop Door-to-Door Sales?

Solicitors and peddlers within the City of Euclid must follow all of Euclid’s ordinances.
No person who has not obtained a permit or license, or both, as required by this chapter, shall go in or upon residential property, or ring a doorbell, or knock on a door of a private residence, including an apartment, not having been requested or invited to do so by the owner, occupant or lessee of such private residence or apartment, for the purpose of soliciting orders for the sale of goods, wares or merchandise, or peddling or hawking goods, wares or merchandise.

If you do not want door to door solicitors to knock or ring your doorbell, you must post a sign stating “No Solicitors”.
No peddler or solicitor or any person pretending to be a peddler or solicitor, for the purpose of peddling or pretending to peddle or solicit, shall ring the bell or knock at any building whereon there is painted, affixed or otherwise displayed to public view any sign containing any or all of the following words: “No Peddlers,” “No Solicitors” or “No Agents,” or which otherwise purports to prohibit peddling or soliciting on the premises.

Solicitors need a permit issued from the police department.
No person shall be issued a license by the Chief of Police unless such person first has been issued a permit for peddling or soliciting by the Police Department, or has obtained a clearance from the Law Department stating that no license is required.

Take a Tour of the EPD?

Tours are available to any school, group, or organization. To take a tour of the EPD, contact the Community Policing Unit at 216-289-8449.

Who do I call and what should I do when I find graffiti on my property?

Call the Euclid Police at 216-731-1234 to report the graffiti. An officer will come to your property to document the damage, but the property owner is responsible for the removal of the graffiti and the cost of removal. The City of Euclid does not remove graffiti on private property.