On Tuesday, July 19th 2016, the City of Euclid began painting “sharrow” markings on Lakeshore Boulevard as the first step to installing a shared bike path in the curb lane of the street. Both motorists and cyclists may use the “sharrow” lanes. Cars/Trucks/Buses are required to change lanes to pass a bicycle and stay behind the bicycle – as one would with another vehicle – until it is safe to change lanes.
The markings will extend nearly the entire length of Lakeshore Boulevard in Euclid – from E.185th Street to Lloyd Road, in the east and west bound directions. Installation of signage that features an image of a bicycle and text indicating “bicycles may use full lane” will take place later this month along the Boulevard. Additional bicycle racks have been installed in downtown Euclid locations.
The project was prompted by a presentation by Euclid High School students which was recognized at the July 18th City Council Meeting in a Ceremonial Resolution. The path encourages residents and visitors to bike to Euclid’s downtown, lakefront parks and surrounding communities and demonstrates the City’s growing commitment to support safe cycling.